Apartment E

Apartment E as found
In the original state it had a rough beauty containing an old closet for storing player piano roles. The roof was open, leaking and it lacked a floor among other problems.

Apartment E as restored
Beautiful apartment with roll away bed area and extreme flexibility. The piano closet was transformed into an office and creates a stunning counterpoint to the modern state of the art kitchen and living area.
Apartment E finished

Apartment E on the top floor

Skylight in central stairways

Adornment of the stairways

Outside window details

View to Rua Almada

Original 19th century chestnut beams

Entryway door of apartment E

View of entry way, writing cabinet and kitchen

Kitchen area and movable bed partially retracted

Overview of apartment E

Movable bed and living area of apartment E

Kitchen area and retractable bed

Movable wall opens into the office space

Office space

Movable wall closed in apartment E

Bathroom sink in apartment E

Shower apartment E

Shower/ bathroom apartment E

Kitchen details

Granite bearing walls in laundry area of apartment E

Bed nook

Overview of apartment E

Antique piano spool closet now become a writing cabinet

Bed completely wheeled out

Entry door and kitchen area
Apartment F construction history

Entry door area. This image says it all about the starting point for Apartment E

Piano role storage cabinet to preserve in Apartment E

Sistering of floor joists on granite bearing wall in Apartment E

A view through the front door of Apartment E

Pre existing floor joists in Apartment E

Replacing the roof structure in Apartment E

The view toward Almada from Apartment E with rebuilt side walls

Existing chestnut beams to be preserved

Missing roof area in Apartment E

Rebuilt wall with steel reinforcement in Apartment E

Pre existing wall in Apartment E

Restoration of antique doors in Apartment E

Apartment E interior iron work and walls

Window pieces to install in Apartment E

Sheetrock installation with exposed beams

Preinstalling the sliding door In Apartment E

Electrical installation period in Apartment E

Sheet rocking the walls in Apartment E

Shaping up. Chestnut beams and drywall installation

Sheet rock finishing ceiling Apartment E

Window detail restored for Apartment E

Niche buildout in Apartment E

Riga floor installation in Apartment E

Preserved chestnut beams and restored piano role closet , now an office

Kitchen pieces constructed off site

Kitchen p[ieces to install in Apartment E

Installing the sycamore wood kitchen in Apartment E

Kitchen installation Apartment E

Installing kitchen Apartment E

Apartment E (almost) finished